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Missed the shows during Activity week?
No Problem. Check out the recorded sessions below.
A Bite of Science
Cutting Edge Science From Graduate Students
BASEF student activities are back with a week of fun interactive discussions, games, workshops and STEAM!
A Bite of Science will kick things off for the week as we come together to learn about the cutting-edge research graduate students are working on. Learn about evolutionary anthropology, sustainable agriculture, primatology and nanomedicine in bite size 5-minute presentations and ask questions in the Q&A session that follows! Stick around for exclusive talks from our keynote speakers from IDEAWORKS and Women in Trades Technology.
IDEAWORKS and Women in Trades Technology
Video at:
Passcode is: xs?+bZ7n
Forensic Science Night
Learn about the CSI effect, forensic anthropology and more!
Ever wondered what a forensic scientist does, or how consuming crime media has an effect on real life cases? Want to know how a forensic anthropologist analyzes human skeletal remains? Come out to Forensic Science Night, where you’ll learn all this and more from a real professional!
Video at:
Passcode is: 2^n!NYoW
March 23, 6 – 8 PM

Game Night
With fun PRIZES
Join us mid-week of the BASEF student activities week for a fun night of games! Meet other BASEF participants and enjoy a game of BINGO. Who is ready to win some awesome prizes?
There is no recording for Games Night
Art Meets Science
Turns out art and science aren’t as separate as they seem! Come to this interactive evening to learn about the science of art and colour and how to apply that knowledge to making your own art! Feel free to bring along art supplies to work with, or just come to watch and learn!
Video at:
Passcode is: y&hA8JR5
Post-Secondary Workshop
Q & A with STEAM panelists
Wondering about what you can pursue after science fairs? Come to the Post-secondary Workshop to hear from undergraduate students about their post-secondary school experience! Join the Q&A session to ask the panelists about university life, advice, career options and more!