Katie Brent
I love BASEF because it gave me the opportunity to grow as a person. There is something very special about getting to share the product of your hard work and passion with others who also value the STEM fields. BASEF is the reason that I am the person I am today—a curious, motivated, ambitious and outgoing engineering and bioanthro university student.
Even when my time as a BASEF student ended, I knew that my journey with BASEF was not over. I have judged projects and now
I am so incredibly happy to be co-sponsoring a new Special Award this year with one of my best friends, Caroline Mahut. I was inspired to give back because I know there are girls out there who are much like I was at the advent of my science fair career, being incredibly passionate about science, and ready to learn new things. If I could encourage even one girl to keep up the great work in STEM and possibly pursue it as a career, it would be a great honour for me.
My time as a BASEF student was the best six years of my life! – Katie Brent