Caroline Mahut
As a 5-time BASEF and Canada-Wide Science Fair participant, I can guarantee you that taking part in a science fair is an opportunity you do not want to miss. The first time you participate in BASEF, you are overwhelmed by the aura of curiosity and discovery about the room.
Over the years during which I prepared projects for BASEF, I noticed astronomical improvements in my writing, presenting, research and problem solving skills. However, the most important thing that BASEF gave me was an amazing community of like-minded students, who live and breathe the STEM lifestyle. This taught me that BASEF is a pathway to a new lifestyle in which everything can be challenged or improved, and no question can go unanswered. It was through working on BASEF projects and meeting various professionals at the fair over the years that contributed to where I am today: a second year Mechanical Engineering student at McMaster University.
Katie and I are honoured to be sponsoring this new Special Award to encourage STEM participation of female engineering projects.
BASEF is not just a Science Fair; it is a glimpse into the future of our community.
– Caroline Mahut