L01 : The Effects of Rock vs. Classical Music

Students Alec Purnell
Ethan Trueman
School HWDSB - Sir William Osler - Dundas
Level Junior 7/8 - Grade 7
Group Group 6 - Health Sciences I
Abstract The purpose of this experiment is to compare two very different types of music and observe their mental and physical effects. Many people and scientists have studied the effects of music while studying and working out. We are trying to figure out what type of music is the best for these two purposes. Many people say that listening to Mozart can make you smarter; this is because the soothing sounds of his music will stimulate the brain while it is developing. We know that many people listen to music while doing their homework and many of them listen to rock or pop music that they have on their IPods. But when listening to classical music I think peoples study habits will be better.