N20 : Detecting and Analyzing Exoplanet Atmospheres using K-Nearest-Neighbours Algorithm and OpenCV

Students Fiza Mehfil
School HDSB - Milton District High School - Milton
Level Intermediate 9/10 - Grade 9
Group Group 7 - Engineering and Computing III
Abstract In this project, transit photometry data is used to detect exoplanets with the K-Nearest Neighbours Classifier AI Algorithm; more importantly, this information will be used to analyze the chemical composition of exoplanet atmospheres by reading absorption lines in Python with the OpenCV library. The ultimate pursuit of this project is to identify which elements are present within exoplanet atmospheres and, therefore, determine their habitability.
Group Award Prize
Merit AwardsSilver Merit Award$ 80
Hamilton Amateur Astronomers AwardsJames A. Winger Award- Junior$ 200