BASEF Project Browser

# Title Students SchoolGroup
A01 Bacteria In The Classroom Maryanna Oraha
Alice Fan
St. Michael
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
A02 Little Waves, Big Impact Isabella Collia
Isabella Petrocelli
St. Andrew Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
A03 Is Your Dog's Mouth Cleaner Than Yours? Katelyn Teeuwsen
Amy Kippers
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Hamilton)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
A04 Haricot! Lilyanne Lavoie
Émilie Gagnon
École secondaire Georges-P.-Vanier
CSV (Hamilton)
Groupe - Projets français
A05 Bacteria Growth on Bread Past Different Expiration Dates Nicole Zhang
Appleby College
IND (Oakville)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
A06 Coloring Plant Edward Wang
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
A07 Traumatic Effects Adriana Salerno
Sophia Fiorucci
Sts. Peter & Paul
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
A08 Will It Eggspire? Beatrice Faber
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
A09 Would You Still Eat It? Testing the '5-Second Rule' Rachel Vos
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
A10 Proteolytic Effect of Fruit Enzyme Homogenate on Beef with Varying Degrees of Doneness Ethan Chiang
St. Andrew Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
A12 Arabinose: An On/Off Switch for Gene Expression Lina Elsaadi
North Park Collegiate and Vocational School
GEDSB (Brantford)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
A13 Geronimo Stilton's Worst Nightmare Grace Scott
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
A14 Honey Preserving Meat Jumana Ismail
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
A15 Shake That Thang Sofia Anunciacao
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
A16 Project B.E.A.N. Holly Jansen
Jordan Thompson
HWDSB (Freelton)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
A17 The Effects of Garlic, Ginger and Honey on Bacterial Colonies Sterling Wu
Appleby College
IND (Oakville)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
A18 5 Second Rule Agnes Lau
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
B01 Analysis of the Concentration of Acids in Popular Drinks Jiayi Deng
King's Christian Collegiate
IND (Oakville)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
B02 Sleeve Bracelet Fadheelah Zito
St. Michael
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
B03 The Connection Between the Lunar Cycle and the Behaviour of Canines Hillary Hamilton
Jacob Van Groningen
Ancaster High
HWDSB (Ancaster)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
B04 The impacts of eco-friendly fertilizing alternatives on green beans from seed to early growth Tori Vincent
Pilgrim Wood Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
B05 Investigating the Effects of Waves and Grounding on Plants Over a Period of Four Weeks Alp Tlabar
Appleby College
IND (Oakville)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
B06 Fountain of Bacteria: Purveyor of Pathogens Katelyn Johnson
Guy B. Brown
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
B07 How Permanent is 'Permanent'? Alora Lavalle
Amy Shi
Tiger Jeet Singh Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
B08 Rainbow Tomatoes Caitlyn Wong
Isabelle Healey
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
B09 'Ketchup and fries' grafting efficient experiment Bronwen Robinson
Lexi Ross
Sir William Osler
HWDSB (Dundas)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
B10 Soiless Part 2 Darrus Skye
Quincy Vanevery
J. C. Hill Elementary
SNS (Ohsweken)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
B11 Is It Worth It? Expensive VS Homemade Cleaning Supplies Hannah Lavallee
Julia Bakes
Tiger Jeet Singh Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
B12 Quelle est la meilleur quantité d'engrais pour faire croitre une plante ? Malak Chaar
Sarah al Amine
École secondaire Georges-P.-Vanier
CSV (Hamilton)
Groupe - Projets français
B13 How Dirty Is My School? Sofia Koehnen
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
B14 Canine DNA Amelia Stanley
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
B15 What Types of Video Games Are The Most Addictive Jonah Slootweg
Ryan Ahn
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Hamilton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
B16 Zero Cals or Gut Fails Carol Koubaesh
King's Christian Collegiate
IND (Oakville)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
B17 NO DIRT Lucas Martin
J. C. Hill Elementary
SNS (Ohsweken )
Group 5 - Life Sciences
B18 The replacement of antibiotics Tristan Hofstee
Guy B. Brown
HWDSB (Waterdown)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
C01 The Proof is in the Prints Sydney Cao
Zara Kazi
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
C02 The Effect of Colour on Reaction Time Devyanee Mehta
Winni Situ
North Park Collegiate and Vocational School
GEDSB (Brantford)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
C03 The Golden Spice: Increasing the Bioavailabilty of Curcumin Arianna Mastrolonardo
King's Christian Collegiate
IND (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
C04 The Power of One: A Study of Self-Esteem Matteo Romano
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
C05 Tame the Video Game Kaylan Sandhu
St. Joachim
HWCD (Ancaster)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
C06 Synesthesia affects 1-4% of the population. Do you have it? Olivia Nowak
Gisela Toito Neto
St. Andrew Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
C07 The Effects Of Music On Students Stephanie Hrynkiw
HWDSB (Freelton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
C08 What's In Your Water? (filtering microplastics from bottled water) Kylie DeVries
Isabelle Faulkner
Burlington Christian Academy
IND (Burlington)
Group 11 - Engineering and Computing IV
C09 Therapeutic effects of a synthetic CDK5 inhibitor as a drug towards models of Parkinson’s disease Anika Gupta
Westdale Secondary School
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
C10 Left or Right? A comparative analysis of hemispheric activation Mark Abdelshaheed
Lucas Monter
St. Elizabeth Seton Elementary School
HCDSB (Burlington)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
C11 Hungry? Hope Van Voorst
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Hamilton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
C12 How do rises in body temperature through physical activity affect mental processing? Aahan Madhok
Mohid Farooqi
Tiger Jeet Singh Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
C13 Heads Up: Reducing the Risk of Concussions in Girls' Hockey Through Root Cause Analysis Maya Clapperton
Westdale Secondary School
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
C14 Tackling Concussions Head On Angeline Redford
Saltfleet District Secondary School
HWDSB (Stoney Creek)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
C15 Are Fingerprints Inherited? Ellie Bourke
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
C16 How Neurolinguistic Programming in Media Affects Consumers Evan Shvetsov
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
C17 The PEP Project | Point System Educational Puzzles Joshua Middleton
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
C18 Stabilizing Effect of Exercise and Type of Carbohydrate on Postprandial Blood Glucose Level in T2D Nidhi Sarkar
Dundas Valley Secondary School
HWDSB (Dundas)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
D01 Perception of Time Brianna Nicholson
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
D02 What's in your helmet? Devan Tassé
Ethan Shannon
St. Luke
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
D03 Diet vs Regular Soft Drinks Jennifer Hayman
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
D04 Do You See What I See? Ellie Garry-Jones
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
D05 Great Minds Think Alike... Or Do They? Elizabeth White
Sydney Elder
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
D06 Types of Twins Emily Vrsaljko
Rebecca Vrsaljko
St. Luke
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
D07 Does different types music help more while studying Ali Reda
Appleby College
IND (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
D08 Out of Focus Katelyn Ritskes
Ada Cook
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Hamilton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
D09 Emotions... Do They Change What We See? Elizabeth Sienna
St. Augustine
HWCD (Dundas)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
D10 Developed Brains vs Developing Brains and the Stroop Effect Kelly Situ
Kyra Moruzi
Sir William Osler
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
D11 Does exercise improve memory Omer Ahmed
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
D12 Biologically Emotional Samantha Guay
Teaghan Kay
St. Augustine
HWCD (Dundas)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
D13 The effect of different mouthwash on oral bacteria Talha Rauf
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
D14 It's no joke to smoke Anita Iluobe
St. Vincent de Paul
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
D15 Potential side affects of bypassing PD-1 inhibitors during cancer treatment processes. Allan Yin
White Oaks Secondary School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
D16 Is Sugar Really That Sweet Emaad Qazi
Samar Karim
Tiger Jeet Singh Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
D17 Age vs. Tongue Sensitivity Maya Borg
Sophie Taylor
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
E01 The Effects of Classical Music on The Brain Kaitlyn Rebecca Powell
Appleby College
IND (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
E02 Interestimulants Riya Jain
Kenzie North
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
E03 Your Brain on Colour Rachel Stelpstra
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
E04 What are the effects of Aspartame on the teenage body? Caleb Frigo
Appleby College
IND (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
E05 Do You Remember? Matthew Hanna
Evan Ostafin
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
E06 Analyzing Money for Harmful Bacteria and Exploring Natural Antibiotic Solutions Paolo Ramelli
St. David
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
E07 Think Before Choosing Pink Avery Bosma
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
E08 Observing Your Outer Optics Olivia Mostacci
St. John Paul II
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
E09 The Stroop Effect: What Colour Do You See? Chantelle Guorgui
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
E10 Hearts Beat With Music Habiba Omr
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
E11 Balance in Dance Tatum Armstrong
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
E12 Birth Battles Cadence Jamieson
Goga Jamieson
J. C. Hill Elementary
SNS (Ohsweken)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
E13 The Science of SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder Julia Stephen
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
E14 Positive or Negative Irene Park
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Hamilton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
E15 21st Century Testing or Old School: Which is the Way to Go? Radley Pyle
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
HWCD (Carlisle)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
E16 How the Brain copes with Muddles – The Stroop Effect. Sandhya Dath
HWDSB (Freelton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
E17 To Spurn the Heartburn John Eric Rivas-Gonzalez
St. John Paul II
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
E18 Best Science Fair Ever? *Not Clickbait* Tobin Davis
Sophie Nguyen
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
F01 How does the use of electronics affect your vision and brain function? Emma Li
Sarah Al-tamimi
Forest Trail Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
F02 Which facial cleanser is a flip or flop? Kate Millar
Cassie Crawford
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
F03 How can we 'KINECT' with KINESTHETIC learners? Sofia Silva
St. Mary Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
F04 Haudenosaunee Roots: Preventing Diabetes with Indigenous Methods Aleena Skye
J. C. Hill Elementary
SNS (Ohsweken)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
F05 The Cardiovascular System Joud Kassim
Julia Kacarevic
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
F06 A rainbow of emotions Daya Grewal
Jumana Al khudhairy
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
F07 Using Trojan Horse Microbubbles and Ultrasound to Effectively Treat Alzheimer's Disease Zainab Al-Rammahi
Ancaster Meadow
HWDSB (Ancaster)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
F08 U.S.G. - Ultrasonic, Sensor, Glasses Colby Warren
Jacob Schooley
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
F09 The Truth Behind Sport Drinks Jared Moore
Griffin Moore
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
F10 Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP)-Causes,Diagnosis,Treatments and Prevention Ashwin Unnithan
Orchard Park Secondary School
HWDSB (Stoney Creek)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
F11 Sensitive much? Emily Ieluzzi
Theodora Centritto
St. Joachim
HWCD (Ancaster)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
F12 To Eat Or Not To Eat That Is The Question Kasia Watkin
Isabela Gauch Gomes Viana
St. John Paul II
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
F13 A Walk Through Life: A Patient's Journey Raisa Allarakhia
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
F14 Magic Massager Elizabeth Bighiu
Rotherglen School (Oakville)
IND (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
F15 The Effects of a Student’s Learning Style on Their Success at School David Amm
Appleby College
IND (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
F16 Chinese Food Syndrome: Fact or Fiction? Lily Gomez
John William Boich Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
F17 Antibiotics: the solution or the problem Justyna Labib
David Towadros
King's Christian Collegiate
IND (Oakville)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
F18 Are You Being Watched? Joyce Lee
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
G01 Heartbeats for Health Bohmie Song
Sir William Osler
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
G02 Do You See What Eye See: Using technology to create reliable and efficient vision exams Cindy Wang
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
G03 Fingerprints: Inherited or not? Katherine Lepischak
Taran Kang
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
G04 Analyzing Assumptions: A Study of Societal Stereotypes Nicole Chan
Rebecca Salai
John William Boich Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
G05 The Stroop Effect & Music Anjali Shah
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
G06 Musical Memory Eileen Panicker
Maddy Perri
St. Joachim
HWCD (Ancaster)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
G07 Do You Need a Hand? Kristine Fabro
Yoanna Nasir
St. Michael
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
G08 Put Me In Coach! William Jeneway
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
G09 What Factors Affect Lung Capacity? Derek Foo
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
G10 Our teeth are important Claudia Brooks
Camila Rabia
École secondaire Georges-P.-Vanier
CSV (Hamilton)
Groupe - Projets français
G11 BCC Gone Teagan Gray
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
G12 Breathable Knee Brace Ema Bauder
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
G13 Herd Behavior Afia Ahmed
Humaad Ali
Tiger Jeet Singh Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
G14 How can background noise effect your concentration Sofija Harris
Tiger Jeet Singh Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
G16 Human Emotion Julianna Sacha
Jessica Mcleish
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
G17 Naptime! : Solutions for Sleep Deprivation in School Areeba Qureshi
Westmount Secondary School
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
G18 A Tune To Remember Adelia Parvinchi
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
H01 Food of the Future Jacob Colatosti
Bishop Ryan Secondary School
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
H02 Doo Your Duty Lauren Paredes
Larissa Colatosti
St. Luke
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
H03 EDEN-ISS - Future of Food in Space Kasia Pontet-DaSilva
St. Mary Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
H04 Ti-Dye Energy: Natural Dye Combinations in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Rya Adronov
Sir William Osler
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 7 - Physics II
H05 Identifying Cross-Resistance between the Antiseptic Chlorhexidine and Clinically-Used Antibiotics Neha Gupta
Westdale Secondary School
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
H06 Keeping It Fresh: A Natural Alternative for Synthetic Food Preservatives Gabrielle Buckley
Anita Chander
King's Christian Collegiate
IND (Oakville)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
H07 Gold Nanostructured Biosensor to Detect Pathogens Camila Moran-Hidalgo
Westdale Secondary School
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
H08 From Gene Editing to Mutations Shahd Al Hamadneh
Sondos Al Hamadneh
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
H09 Factors that Affect Antimicrobial Efficacy in Topical Bacterial Infections Maya Morcos
King's Christian Collegiate
IND (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
H10 Vicks VapoRub Bath Bombs Gabriella Miklavcic
Alyssa Rocha
St. Michael
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
H11 Can bioprinting help with clinical complexities? Noora Janvekar
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
H12 The Future of Food Haylee Sim
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
H14 Studying Stats Capri Czekaj
Denver Donnelly
St. Joachim
HWCD (Ancaster)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
H15 Le slime avec Orbis, est-ce meilleur? Sarra Chaouach
École secondaire Georges-P.-Vanier
CSV (Hamilton)
Groupe - Projets français
H16 A Fat Calorie Jose Calouro
Cathy Wever
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
H17 Stretch to Your Limit Elyse Mostacci
St. John Paul II
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
H18 The Stroop Effect Hannah Lewin
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
J01 The Marangoni Effect in liquid environments Maria Chzhen
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 7 - Physics II
J02 A Carbohydrate Rush Kalina Carr
Chelsea White-Marquard
Cathy Wever
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
J03 Magnetic Movements Michael Kalampalikis
St. Joachim
HWCD (Ancaster)
Group 7 - Physics II
J04 THINK FAST- athletes vs gamer Jessica Lavender
Megan McClymont
HWDSB (Freelton )
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
J05 The Science Behind The Classic Cookie Avery Edl
HWDSB (Carlisle)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
J08 How do salinity and temperature affect the density of water? Madeeha Naqvi
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
J09 Les moteurs homopolaires: C'est pas sorcier! Kader Traoré
Saleh Haggar
École secondaire Georges-P.-Vanier
CSV (Hamilton)
Groupe - Projets français
J10 To Flex or Not to Flex Jackson Armitage
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 7 - Physics II
J12 The Mpemba Effect: Can Hot Water Freeze Faster Than Cold Water? Emaan Kotwal
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
J14 Organic Batteries Kailey Ruiter
Cathy Wever
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 7 - Physics II
J15 The Effect of Corrosion on Water Distribution Pipes Hafsah Binte Raheel
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
J16 MARS - Seek Signs of Life Joshua Paul
St. Mary Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
J17 Synthetic Oil, Worth the cost Levi Fox
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 7 - Physics II
J18 Divine Intelligence Cynthya Coleman
St. Vincent de Paul
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 7 - Physics II
J19 Battle of the Diapers: Super Absorbent Polymers Jannah Khaja
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
K01 Seeing Beyond the Human Eye Ben Theron
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
K03 Estimation of the acceleration due to gravity (g) using a simple pendulum Khanya Ndiweni
St. Mary Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
K04 Preventing Apple Oxidation Yusuf Qadri
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
K05 The Unknown Variables of the Universe Iuliya Tryguba
Ashley Stevenson
St. Andrew Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
K06 Can’t touch this Sarah Samadi
Laken Harrison
Rotherglen School (Oakville)
IND (Oakville)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
K07 How to turn your egg from zero to hero Shernee Pencil
Mya Wong
Forest Trail Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
K08 You Go First Kyle Renaud
John William Boich Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
K09 Musical Emotions Rachel Agro
St. Augustine
HWCD (Dundas)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
K10 Predictability of Double Pendulum Jason Ruetas
St. Elizabeth Seton Elementary School
HCDSB (Burlington)
Group 7 - Physics II
K11 Batteries of the Future Ali Darwish
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 10 - Engineering and Computing III
K12 Conserving Momentum with MMDs Paul Kyum Lee
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 7 - Physics II
K13 Temperature change the Quality of Liquid Han Wei
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
K14 Rocketology Sam Vossoughi
Nolan Goranson
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
K15 How to know when you need a new sail Arbutus Fricker
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 7 - Physics II
K16 Using a Non-Newtonian Fluid as Helmet Padding to Reduce the Risk of Concussions. Julian Alfano
St. Margaret Mary
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
K17 Tee It High and Let It Fly Patrick Short
James Cheeranjie
St. Joachim
HWCD (Ancaster)
Group 7 - Physics II
K18 Sound Insulation. What Works? Suraj Singh
Maanav Parikh
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
K19 Spherification Julian Ballentyne
Oliver M. Smith Kawennio:io
SNS (Ohsweken)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
L02 Put Your Water To Work: Using Hydro Power To Lift A Load Haroon Khan
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 10 - Engineering and Computing III
L03 Blasting Off for greatness Jakub Hoferica
Matthew Becze
St. Andrew Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
L05 Thermochromic slime Yahya Syed
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
L06 Sustainable advancements in tire rubber using discarded Biomass Vesa Barileva
Pilgrim Wood Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
L07 Freezing Solutions Micah Brouwer
Ben Brouwer
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Hamilton)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
L08 The best man made creation Andrey Martchenko
Guy B. Brown
HWDSB (Waterdown)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
L09 Heat It Up! Melissa Lee
Gheed Khekani
Oxford Learning Academy
IND (Milton)
Group 7 - Physics II
L10 Duracell Quantum vs Coppertop vs Rechargable Which One? Madhav Parekh
Praneel Spolia
Ancaster Meadow
HWDSB (Ancaster)
Group 7 - Physics II
L11 Digital Quill Edwin Vlasics
Kareem Fahmi
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
L12 Multi Use Dispenser Bradley Smith
Tommy Madgett
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
L13 A Better Metal Detector Luke Misa
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
L15 Out of the Blue Savannah Koshurba
Thanaa Al-Kaisy
Oxford Learning Academy
IND (Milton)
Group 11 - Engineering and Computing IV
L16 Saving the Environment, One Spoon at a Time Kallista O'Keefe
King's Christian Collegiate
IND (Oakville)
Group 11 - Engineering and Computing IV
L17 Can UV light save lives? David Vidican
St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 11 - Engineering and Computing IV
L18 The Puzzle Pal Stephanie Main
Addison Law
John William Boich Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
L19 The Interphalangeal Joint Flexibility Test: Exploring Joint Flexibility with Piezoelectricity Satyam Singh
King's Christian Collegiate
IND (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
M01 Egg-cellent flipper Ryan Brouwer
Isaiah Peters
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Ancaster)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
M02 SAS - Software Auto Signout Noah Correia
John William Boich Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
M03 Aero-Tronics: A High Pressure Aeroponics System for Sustainable Indoor Agriculture Mitchell Clapperton
Guy B. Brown
HWDSB (Waterdown)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
M04 Teaching the Artificially Intelligent Maria Al Sawadi
Arsema Mulugeta
Cathy Wever
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
M05 Earmergency Rebecca Hu
Fiona Higham
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
M06 Testing Battery Voltage Maddison Brisson
St. Martin of Tours
HWCD (Stoney Creek)
Group 7 - Physics II
M07 Tremblement de terre moins dangereux Mahassin Maina
Ava Sassanelli
École secondaire Georges-P.-Vanier
CSV (Hamilton)
Groupe - Projets français
M08 Application of Silver Nanoparticle Polyurethane Foam Filters Mai Lee Ngo
King's Christian Collegiate
IND (Oakville)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
M09 Investigation of Slum Housing and Using Elements of Design to Improve Upon it Douglas Gulliford
Appleby College
IND (Oakville)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
M10 Kermit's Cars Aayan Shaikh
Ahmad Abdul-Jabbar
Oxford Learning Academy
IND (Milton)
Group 10 - Engineering and Computing III
M11 IMemory: Independence For Dementia Patients Rachel Main
Maja Bizic
John William Boich Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
M12 Power on the GO Kaylee Zhang
Norwood Park
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
M13 Rust in Piece: The Corrosive Effects on Steel, Aluminum and Galvanized Steel Evan Cotter
St. Augustine
HWCD (Dundas)
Group 11 - Engineering and Computing IV
M14 Homopolar Motors Brian Yin
St. Andrew Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
M15 Lift A Load With Syringes Jyot Sangha
Oxford Learning Academy
IND (Milton)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
M16 Charging The Future Zain Mun
Michael Xu
John William Boich Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
M17 Are You Going to Eat That? Aden Rajan
St. Augustine
HWCD (Dundas)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
M18 The LaunchPad™ Naila Noormohamed
John William Boich Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
M19 Eave 3.0: An Autonomous Robotic Eavestrough Cleaner using Artificial Intelligence Anthony Saturnino
St. Margaret Mary
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
N01 Jerry's Great Escape Jennah Khalil
Mohid Bukhari
Oxford Learning Academy
IND (Milton)
Group 7 - Physics II
N02 The Force - How to make a Hand Gesture Controlled Robot Ethan Rajack
Jake Peters
St. Joachim
HWCD (Ancaster)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
N03 Waste Water To Wash Water Evan Romachyk
John William Boich Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 11 - Engineering and Computing IV
N04 Investigation on the best method to design and build an innovative magnetic levitation train. Josh Mou
Appleby College
IND (Oakville)
Group 10 - Engineering and Computing III
N06 Perpetual Motion Machines: Lighting Our World Without Touching a Button Gladys Kozyra
Audrey Bisson
St. Joseph
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
N07 Wireless Energy and the Spark Sender Sydney Eichenberg
Alex Karachok
St. Andrew Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
N08 Refuel Sidekick Phillip Kim
Connor Beaupre
John William Boich Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
N09 Advanced Autonomous Shingling Robot Joseph Saturnino
Bishop Ryan Secondary School
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
N10 Cold Cure Keith Allan
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 10 - Engineering and Computing III
N11 Development of an Intravenous Fluid Delivery System (IV FDS) for use in Developing Countries Christopher Lamont
St. Margaret Mary
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
N12 Shocking Humidity Uzayr Hussaini
Haris Cheema
Tiger Jeet Singh Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 7 - Physics II
N13 Convolutional Neural Network to Detect Eyes with Early Stages of Visual Impairment Lily Smales
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
N14 C programming -- Password Encryption Cindy Zhao
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
N15 Is Magnesium best Jordan Milnthorpe
John William Boich Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 11 - Engineering and Computing IV
N16 Motor Windings Moses Lei
Cathy Wever
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 7 - Physics II
N17 Bridges to the Breaking Point Ada Loveless
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
N18 CODIA Mark II Ellie Xu
Garth Webb Secondary School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
N19 The Greenhouse Effect Laaibah Suhail
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
P01 Natural Pools Natalie Guay
St. Augustine
HWCD (Dundas)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
P02 Rain or tap Emma-Grace Zantingh
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Hamilton)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
P03 Saving On a Rainy Day: Building a Mini Electric Turbine Demi Otubaga
Fola Ayibiowu
Hillfield Strathallan College
IND (Hamilton)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
P04 The chemistry of cleaning Evan Skye
Alyssa Lickers
J. C. Hill Elementary
SNS (Ohsweken)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
P05 The Effect Of Different Solvents on The Freezing Point of Water Zunaira Ali
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
P06 Does Environmentally Friendly Equal Effective? Bassant Ali
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
P07 No Water.....No Problem! A study on the effect of watering plants with laundry detergent. Cale Symons
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
P09 Do plants talk? Jack Kessig
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
P10 Its Getting Hot In Here (How do different natural surfaces affect atmospheric temperatures) Brielle Clause
Emily C. General Elementary School
SNS (Ohsweken)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
P11 Edible pop Colin Ott
Abraham Julien
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Hamilton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
P12 Are Eco-Friendly Detergents Less Toxic Than Regular, Everyday Detergents? Aimen Shaikh
Areeb Iqbal
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
P13 Mars Kaysee Mitchell
Krysten Killen
Forest Trail Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
P14 The Effect of Different Ionic Compounds on Water Electrolysis Simran Matharu
Ancaster Meadow
HWDSB (Ancaster)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
P15 Electric cars Dhruv Patel
Marcus Jafrabad
Forest Trail Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 10 - Engineering and Computing III
P16 Using food scraps to enrich soil and promote plant growth Matthew Lawford
Zaid Dabbour
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
P17 Look What We've Done Emmalea Thomas
J. C. Hill Elementary
SNS (Ohsweken)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
P18 One Snip At A Time Aiden Scheben
Steven Higgins
St. Augustine
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
P19 Eco-Friendly Rusting Solutions through Redox Reactions Regarding Economic Sustainability Christina Hanna
King's Christian Collegiate
IND (Oakville)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
Q01 Liquids Becoming Gases - How Much Gas Does Your Favourite Beverage Produce? Kirstyn Bax
Julie Reitsma
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Hamilton)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
Q02 Planet or Plastic Aashi Chaubey
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Q03 Fertilizer and Algae: Mass Murderers Rose Galante
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Q04 Urine-Tricity Jasalyn Jolly
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Q05 Tectonic Plates Josie Frasson
St. Augustine
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Q06 Edible Water Bottles Sydney Daez
St. Joachim
HWCD (Ancaster)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
Q07 Water Saviors Lily Hill
Alison Greene
J. C. Hill Elementary
SNS (Ohsweken)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Q08 Will It Be Clean Luke Hinca
Jacob Hanna
St. Andrew Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Q09 The Effect of Different Sweeteners Substitutes in Baking Tori Bakker
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Hamilton)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
Q10 Filter This! Zander Wythe
Mason Jamieson
J. C. Hill Elementary
SNS (Ohsweken)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Q11 Here Comes the Sun Caitlyn Gratton
Ayla White
St. Joachim
HWCD (Ancaster)
Group 7 - Physics II
Q12 The Effect of Oil Spills on Aquatic Plants Haris Bajwa
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Q13 Testing the Biodegradability of Bioplastics Kristin Ellerbeck
King's Christian Collegiate
IND (Oakville)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Q14 Solar Ovens - A Hot Topic Claire Babineau
Maya Kasprzyk
St. Joachim
HWCD (Ancaster)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
Q15 Plastic Delicacies Mohammed Torkmani
Raphael Xu
Maple Grove Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Q16 The Effects of Acid and Salt Pollutants on Plant Growth Zainab Inam
Yujin Kim
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Q17 Oil Spills Cleaner Water Faster Hannah McDonald
Monika Lekarczyk
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
Q18 Kinetic Highways Alexandru Atanasoaei
William Tremblay
Sts. Peter & Paul
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
Q19 The Best Cleaning for The Environment. John Ecclestone
Jack Guillemette
Pilgrim Wood Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
R01 Colours of the Mind Alec Pikolon
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
R02 One Bucket Of Oil Burned Is One Glacier Melted Aleeza Wasi
Mahnoor Fazal
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
R03 Can Mealworms Eat Styrofoam and Help Save the Environment? Luka Cepuran
Thomas Satosek
St. Martin of Tours
HWCD (Stoney Creek)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
R05 The Future of Cleaner Cars Téa Hope
Beth Dieroff
Aldershot Elementary
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
R06 The Effects Of Green Roofs on The Environment Lacey Swamy
Appleby College
IND (Oakville)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
R07 Quicksand Stephanie Buturajac
Nolan Olszewski
St. Luke
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
R08 Sun In, Salt Out Ryan Van Doodewaard
Matthew Karens
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
R09 Cooking with the Sun Nahor Debesay
St. Margaret Mary
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
R10 Boidegradable Plastic Rabia Ikram
Shahla Eslami
Ancaster Meadow
HWDSB (Ancaster)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
R11 IKO: Constructing an environmentally-friendly solar powered phone charger Isra Bashir
Sir William Osler
HWDSB (Dundas)
Group 10 - Engineering and Computing III
R12 Carbon Footprint: China Imported Steel vs. Canadian Produced Steel Ruhan Soni
Hillfield Strathallan College
IND (Hamilton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
R13 Plants VS Oil: Can Plants Clean Up Oil Spills? Shehwar Khan
Al-Falah Islamic School
IND (Oakville)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
R14 The Acceleration of the Degradation of Polypropylene Julia Xu
White Oaks Secondary School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
R15 Sure It's Pure? Kathryn Whetstone
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Hamilton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
R16 Enhancing Schools With Efficient Eco-Technology Soujanya Kumar
Julie Ward
John William Boich Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
R17 The Electrical capability of a Homemade Wind Turbine When Met with Various wind sources Luke Tesser
Appleby College
IND (Oakville)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
R18 Where's The Proof? Deborah-Peace Dada
Calvin Christian School (Hamilton)
IND (Hamilton)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
R19 Plant Growth VS. Classical Music Shivani Sivagurunathan
Tiger Jeet Singh Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
S02 Germs at school: The Hidden Truth! Aleesa Rizwan
Hana Gharib
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 3 - Health Sciences II
S03 Glitching Growth Maya Popowich
Alyssa Bashari
St. Mark Elementary School
HCDSB (Burlington)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
S04 The Effect of Technology on Attention Span Abigail Ruhland
North Park Collegiate and Vocational School
GEDSB (Brantford)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
S06 Don't Just Sit There! Start Cellular Respiration! Maria Akhtar
Aliza Saeed
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
S07 Are Essential Oils Safe Aydin Virani
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
S08 Make a Joyful Noise - Music Therapy for Children with Down Syndrome Margaret (Maggie) Wilson
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
S09 LauCorail Sunscreen Laura Busque
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 11 - Engineering and Computing IV
S10 Do adults and children differ in their ability to detect genuine and fake smiles? Priya Dath
Waterdown District Secondary School
HWDSB (Waterdown)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
S11 What is the most dangerous form of Distracted Driving? Nyle Ahmad
Nikhil Khosla
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
S12 The Science Behind Bath Bombs Ashley Zhao
Eileen Yan
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
S13 Cannabis: helpful or harmful? Jumana Ali
Ruchir Lalwani
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
S14 Farm of the future! Abrahim Durrani
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 5 - Life Sciences
S15 Potato Battery - Can We Run The World on Spuds? Sophie Mari
Diego Cuan-Celis
St. Elizabeth Seton Elementary School
HCDSB (Burlington)
Group 10 - Engineering and Computing III
S16 Électrolyse Yvana Mougou
Alexis Flores
École secondaire Georges-P.-Vanier
CSV (Hamilton)
Groupe - Projets français
S17 Collisions Using Bernoulli's Principle Min-A Jung
Nathan Lee
St. Andrew Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
S18 Be EMF Safe Aarush Chawla
Joshua Creek Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
S20 The Solar Step Tavian Augustus
St. Augustine
HWCD (Dundas)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
T01 Elevator to Everywhere Monica Mahut
M. M. Robinson High School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
T02 Artificial Intelligence is the future Caleb Jung
Affan Abdin
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
T03 A New App To Improve The Charging Efficiency Of Mobile Devices Chen Qing
Hillfield Strathallan College
IND (Hamilton)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
T05 Ultra hydrophobic materials Valentina Rueda
Isabella Hernandez
Forest Trail Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 11 - Engineering and Computing IV
T06 Roller Coaster Physics Abdurrahman Faisal
Ammar Faisal
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
T07 Coin Detection and Recognition in Images Matthew Aharonian
St. Andrew Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
T08 How Secure is Your Password? Hans-Martin Krishnan
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
T09 The Smart Windmill Ojas Suras
Danyal Yousuf
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
T10 The All 'n One Pot 4 Plants Jaden Campbell
Patryk Kopacz
Sts. Peter & Paul
HWCD (Hamilton)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
T11 Secure !?! Are You Sure ?!? Spencer Korol
Trinity Christian School
IND (Burlington)
Group 9 - Health Sciences III
T12 Holograms Misimi Sanni
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 7 - Physics II
T15 S.I.B.S. Daniella Iannuzzi
Alissa Guagliano
St. Clare of Assisi
HWCD (Stoney Creek)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
T16 The Electric solenoid motor Kristijan Maletic
St. Andrew Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
T17 Liar Liar Pants On Fire: Measuring Galvanic Skin Response Katie Cosgriffe
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
T18 RADbotics Amara Damji
Jahnavi Malhotra
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
T19 Vision processing for astronomical applications Tyler O'Dell
Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
T20 You 2.0 William Schwartz
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
T21 The School Bus Of Infinite Possibilities Fawz Mehfil
Daniel Zhao
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
T22 FeelSafe Arjun Sarao
Jerron Zhang
Westdale Secondary School
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
T23 Tardigrade Mech: Using Boron Nitride Nanotubes for Space Radiation Protection Arielle Ainabe
Garth Webb Secondary School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
T24 Plastic Bottles or Plastic Water? Ananya Dhillon
Escarpment View Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
T25 Magnetic Levitation Hailey Israel
St. Mary Elementary School
HCDSB (Oakville)
Group 10 - Engineering and Computing III
U01 Project ATTIS: An Assistive Aid for Parkinson's Patients. Anne Jing
Assumption College School
BHNCD (Brantford)
Group 12 - Health Science IV
U02 Need some TLC? Tigernut Liquid Coagulant: An undiscovered biocoagulant for water turbidity reduction Sabrina Mogus
White Oaks Secondary School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
U03 Humidity VS Wood Joanna Wang
HWDSB (Hamilton)
Group 1 - Earth and Environmental
U04 Salt Water: The Solution to Pollution Chaeyoung (Claire) Jung
Sun Min Choi
Forest Trail Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 11 - Engineering and Computing IV
U05 The Water Battery Rohan Naik
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
U06 Bioplastic Ryedan Annett
Charles Williams
Emily C. General Elementary School
SNS (Ohsweken)
Group 6 - Physical and Mathematical
U07 Can we combine Flying Wing and Machine Learning Technology for quicker emergencies response? Gyu Tae Bae
White Oaks Secondary School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 2 - Engineering and Computing I
U08 HealthNet: Revolutionizing Health Care with Data Aggregation and Convolutional Neural Networks Jacob Meleka
North Park Collegiate and Vocational School
GEDSB (Brantford)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
U09 An app that can help diagnose, monitor, reduce or find help for those dealing with depression. Alicia Ruetas
Robert Bateman High School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 4 - Health Sciences I
U10 Using B.C.I. And A.I. For Emotion Detection For Mental Health Applications Jeffrey Klinck
W. H. Morden Public School
HDSB (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
U11 What are Proximity Sensors? Hannah Lee
Oakville Christian School
IND (Oakville)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
U12 Hot is Cool Stefanie Mahut
M. M. Robinson High School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 10 - Engineering and Computing III
U13 Light Up Silent Lives Anajanaa Vimalathas
Molly Jin
Tiger Jeet Singh Public School
HDSB (Milton)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
U14 Episodic Future Thinking (EFT) App Justin Semelhago
Hassaan Inayatali
Hillfield Strathallan College
IND (Hamilton)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
U15 Smart Shower Shrijah Narendiran
Alexander's Public School
HDSB (Burlington)
Group 8 - Engineering and Computing II
335 Projects