CWSF 2021 – It’s Virtual
It’s Official!
There will be a 2021 Canada Wide Science Fair (CWSF)
And it will be a virtual fair.
BASEF will be selecting 17 projects to compete in the fair May 17-21, 2021
Youth Science Canada (YSC) is planning a full virtual fair mimicking the normal fair experience. Details are still being ironed out but here’s what to expect:
A full virtual CWSF experience with an Ottawa flavour, including:
- an opening event,
- Project Zone,
- STEM Expo,
- judging interviews,
- school/public visits,
- virtual lab and city tours,
- finalist and delegate social activities,
- a delegate/regional coordinator conference, and
- a professionally produced awards ceremony where all the CWSF medals, awards and scholarships will be presented.
- Judges will interview finalists for medals and special awards and view their project’s display materials on ProjectBoard.
- Internet or telephone-based audio calls will be used for interviewing students. Note that phone interviews have been successfully used to select Team Canada-ISEF for the past 15 years.
Participation Kits
Every CWSF finalist and delegate will receive a participant kit in advance that includes a CWSF 2021 ID badge, t-shirt, pin and various promo items. You will also be able to order items, such as CWSF hoodies, mugs, stickers, temporary tattoos, etc. from the YSC online store.
Stay Tuned
BASEF will be registering 17 projects for CWSF 2021. More information will be available over the coming weeks. Check the CWSF and BASEF websites for updates.
What is the Canada Wide Science Fair?
Started in 1962, the Canadian-Wide Science Fair (CWSF) is an annual science fair in Canada coordinated by Youth Science Canada. Finalists qualify from approximately 25,000 competitors at over 100 Youth Science Canada-affiliated regional science fairs in every province and territory, or, in the province of Quebec, the provincial science fair.
The first CWSF attracted 45 projects from 12 regions across Canada. Today’s fair attracts over 400 projects from more than 100 affiliated fairs.
As you can probably guess, BASEF (back then called the Hamilton and District Science Fair) sent projects to Ottawa for the very first Canada Wide Science Fair. Robert Payne (Waterdown District High School), Andreas Surma-Sulkowski (Hillfield College), George Thomas (Grantham High School), and Anna Vale (Nelson High School) represented our fair.
What is Youth Science Canada (YSC)
Since 1962, Youth Science Canada has played a vital role in nurturing the scientific impulse amongst our youth – encouraging them to get their hands dirty and develop scientific and technological knowledge and skills through project-based science.
Fired by the energy of over 8,000 volunteers – educators, scientists, engineers and parents across a network of over 100 regional organizations – Youth Science Canada works to capture the imaginations of young Canadians and broaden their access to science.
The not-for-profit also engages leading public and private sector organizations in the development of a national STEM network of Canadian youth. For more information, please visit https://youthscience.ca/