BASEF 2020 New Special Awards
Every year, BASEF receives tremendous support from our vast community with sponsorships and special awards from businesses and individuals who donate their time, their expertise, cash donations and in-kind services. Through these generous donations, BASEF is able to host an exceptional regional fair.
BASEF has secured over 50 Special Award donors, who are providing over 200 special awards to participants. Many special awards have been donated year after year, and we thank those for their continued support. This year, we would like to acknowledge five new special awards BASEF participants will be competing for this year, in our online format.
Bay Area Health Trust
The Paul Lakin/Bay Area Health Trust Award for Life Sciences
A $1500 McMaster University Scholarship awarded to a student(s) for a project demonstrating excellence and innovation in the Life Sciences.
Bay Area Health Trust (BAHT) is a partnership between public health care and the for-profit private sector. Established in 2002, BAHT creates businesses and partnerships which provide health care related services for both local and global markets. Bay Area Health Trust is constantly looking for new opportunities to generate profit to be used to support health care and health care research.
Website: https://bayareahealthtrust.com/
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) Award
$150 for the best project (any level) in Meteorological and/or Oceanographic Sciences. This includes projects in weather, air quality, climate, climate change and/or the oceans. Also includes a one year free membership to the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society.
The Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) is the national society of individuals and organisations dedicated to advancing atmospheric and oceanic sciences and related environmental disciplines in Canada. The society’s aim is to promote meteorology and oceanography in Canada, and it is a major non-governmental organisation serving the interests of meteorologists, climatologists, oceanographers, limnologists, hydrologists and cryospheric scientists in Canada.
Website: https://www.cmos.ca/
Damani Award for Women in Biomedical Engineering
$100 for an outstanding project by a female student demonstrating creative integration of a variety of engineering disciplines with the biomedical sciences for healthcare. Disciplines may include material sciences, mechanical, electrical or computer engineering, biotechnology, cellular and tissue engineering, and/or genetic engineering.
The Damani Award for Women in Biomedical Engineering was created by a mother and daughter to inspire young women to think about and design holistic solutions to address a healthcare challenge. We hope that this award will empower young women to integrate any and all of the engineering disciplines with the biomedical sciences. Young women of today can and will lead the challenge to find the solutions of tomorrow using these STEM disciplines. We believe in you!
Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute
Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute Grand Award (new in 2020)
$750 and a 4 week summer internship (July-August) in a research lab within the Farncombe Institute at McMaster University, Hamilton, ON. Projects that explore digestive health, related disease, general nutrition or the human microbiome in health or disease through experimentation or in depth literature will be eligible. Winners will select from a summary of potential projects provided by the Farncombe Research groups. Pair projects will be expected to do the internship together, and split the cash award.
Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute Awards
Two awards of $250 for projects that explore digestive health, related diseases or general family nutrition through experimentation or in depth literature research/review.
Improving Health From the Inside Out
The Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute was established in 2008 replacing McMaster University’s Intestinal Disease Research Program that had been in existence since 1984. The Institute’s vision is to better understand and treat, and ultimately cure, the most common categories of intestinal illness that burden our society; inflammatory, functional and diet-induced disorders. The Institute pursues its vision by adopting an integrated multidisciplinary approach that encompasses bench-to-bedside research and involves close collaborations between clinicians, clinician-scientists and basic scientists. The vision also mandates the provision of the best possible experience that will enable our trainees to pursue successful careers in the academic and private sectors.
Website: https://farncombe.mcmater.ca/
Hamilton Pakistani Doctors Association
Hamilton Pakistani Physicians Association Award
Three awards of $250 (First), $150 (Second) and $100 (Third) for projects that demonstrate personal initiative and present an innovative solution.
The Hamilton Pakistani Physicians Association was established in 2018 to fulfill three objectives:
1) Education projects – to host continuing medical education events for Pakistani physicians living or working in the Greater Hamilton area.
2) Community projects – to develop and implement projects in the Greater Hamilton area that bring direct benefit to the most vulnerable in the community.
3) Social events – to bring Pakistan physicians living and working in the Greater Hamilton area together for socializing and networking.
This year the committee decided to support BASEF because many member’s children have participated in BASEF in the past and as parents we recognize how that helped develop their interest in STEM, how to create a scientific project and to present it to a larger audience.
Website: www.hppa.ca
Image attribution:
Image “Thumb Up Vectors” by Vecteezy
Image background from Pixabay