BASEF is a registered charity and is one hundred percent volunteer-run, but we need almost $90,000 each year to operate the fair.
BASEF relies entirely on the generosity of its corporate, educational, organizational and individual sponsors. When you make a donation, all of the money benefits the student participants. Most of your donation goes directly to the students in the form of participation awards and events, prize money, medals, and trips advancing their projects and them to the national and international science fairs. The balance of the funds are used for the site and judging costs.
For a concise break down see our annual report (latest version available in November or December after financial review). We look forward to your contribution as an investment in today’s youth, helping students become more engaged and involved with science, technology, and engineering. All direct donations of $10 or more will receive an official receipt for income tax purposes. Thank you for your support of BASEF!
2024 Expenditures

BASEF’s Charitable Registration number is BN 11895 1565 RR0001
Three ways to support the fair:
Donate via e-transfer
Send your donation, via e-transfer, to We are not set up for direct deposit, so please use “BASEF2025” as your security answer.
Donate by cheque
Mail a cheque made payable to “Bay Area Science & Engineering Fair”:
Send your cheque to:
Bay Area Science & Engineering Fair
c/o BASEF Treasurer
143 Hyde Park Ave
Hamilton ON,
L8P 4M8
BASEF is a registered charity (BN 11895 1565 RR0001), so you may request a tax receipt for income tax purposes. Please reach out to for more information.
Some charitable donors choose to remain anonymous, while others are acknowledged in our Digital Program, on our Jumbotron screen, and during the Awards Ceremony. Just let us know your preference if you wish to remain anonymous.