Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair

May 14 to 19, 2023
Li, Zixuan (Alex) | M12 | Bionic Squid-Inspired Robot Facilitating Underwater Monitorization and Preservation of Coral Reefs | Independent | Ridley College |
4th in Category–Robotics and Intelligent Machines | ||||
Saturnino, Anthony | P23 | Pothole Patrol: An Innovative Robotic Solution for Road Maintenance Using Sustainable Materials | HWCDSB | Bishop Ryan Secondary School |
International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Honorable Mention |
Canada Wide Science and Engineering Fair

May 17 to 19, 2023
Allarakhia, Imran |
Social Robots in the Classroom: Detection and Active Support for Student Emotions (Junior) Bronze (1) Western University Scholarship ($2000) (2) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) |
Bae, Jason |
ADHD Treatment: Finding the Effectiveness of Fine Motor Learning on Attention Levels (Senior) Silver (1) Western University Scholarship ($2000) (2) Dalhousie University Faculty of Science Entrance Scholarship Senior ($2500) (3) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) (4) University of New Brunswick Canada-Wide Science Fair Scholarship Senior ($2500) |
Bae, Sam |
Creating bioplastic that has the most effective adsorption on atmospheric aerosol particles (Senior) Silver (1) Western University Scholarship ($2000) (2) Dalhousie University Faculty of Science Entrance Scholarship Senior ($2500) (3) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) (4) University of New Brunswick Canada-Wide Science Fair Scholarship Senior ($2500) (5) University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship Senior ($2000) |
Chzhen, Maria |
Comparison of regression algorithms for multivariable drought analysis (Senior) Bronze (1) Western University Scholarship ($1000) (2) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) (3) University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship Senior ($1000) |
Efthimiadis, Anthony |
Development of an AI Convolutional Neural Network for Diagnostic Screening of Basal Cell Carcinoma (Junior) Silver (1) Western University Scholarship ($2000) (2) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) |
Ion, Jeffrey |
Think Fast! (Junior) Bronze (1) Western University Scholarship ($1000) (2) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) |
LeBlanc, Jacob |
Sustainability Metrics For Consumer Products Using Open Source Data, Python and QR Code Technology (Junior) Silver (1) Western University Scholarship ($2000) (2) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) |
LeBlanc, Jordan |
Transferring Pollen Using a Mechanical Bee (Junior) Gold (1) Challenge Award – Agriculture, fisheries and Food (2) Technology in Agriculture ($500) (3) Western University Scholarship ($4000) (4) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) |
LeBlanc, Maya |
Nitrous Oxide Reduction in an Industrial Wet Scrubber Utilizing NosZ Reductase and P. denitrificans (Intermediate) Bronze (1) Western University Scholarship ($1000) (2) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) |
Li, Ziang |
Inverse Cooking Model 2 (Senior) Bronze (1) Western University Scholarship ($1000) (2) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) (3) University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship Senior ($1000) |
Maini, Aahaan |
Circulate: Designing an Algorithmic Blood Distribution System to Tackle the Indian Blood Shortage (Senior) Silver (1) Grand Award -Youth Can Innovate Award ($7,000+ $1,000) (2) Digital Moment Innovation Award ($1,000) (3) Western University Scholarship ($2000) (4) Dalhousie University Faculty of Science Entrance Scholarship Senior ($2500) (5) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) (6) University of New Brunswick Canada-Wide Science Fair Scholarship Senior ($2500) (7) University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship Senior ($2000) |
Ponnambalam, Kadhir | Flickr |
Electrotaxis Of The Tardigrade Species Hypsibius. Sp (Intermediate) Silver (1) Western University Scholarship ($2000) (2) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) |
Sanni, Misimi |
Emerging Prosthetics (Senior) Bronze (1) Western University Scholarship ($2000) (2) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) (3) University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship Senior ($1000) |
Wahban, Alia |
Replacing Natural Gas with hydrogen Fuel to Power Ontario (Intermediate) (1) Centre for Canadian Nuclear Sustainability ($750) |
Yin, Brain |
Student Engagement Rewards System (Intermediate) Bronze (1) Western University Scholarship ($1000) (2) University of Alberta Entrance Scholarship ($1,500) |