2020 Awards Ceremony
Update: Check out the BASEF 2020 award winners here.
Here we are – getting ready for the BASEF 2020 Awards Ceremony. Four months ago we were planning our 60th fair. A normal fair with some extra pizzaz since it is our diamond anniversary. Our big issues were printing costs and how to celebrate our 60th anniversary. But after 60 years we’re at the point where most ‘issues’ are just discussion points at planning meetings. And then along came a little virus and the world changed.
So what to do? There’s nothing like learning while doing so full speed ahead. Can we do an online fair? Yes because there is no other option. How much time do students need to prepare? One month seems about right. How can we judge the projects? Let the judges work from home. Easy decision since there are no other viable options. How many students will take part? Don’t know, we’ll let you know in a month. And so an online fair was born. And best of all, it came together without too many issues.
So now it’s time to recognize the students’ hard work. And doubly so. After building their projects for a physical fair they had to invest more effort in building a digital version of their fair. Things like creating a video to provide the student to judge communication. Or recreating material because their project was locked up in their school.
But now the work is done, scores tabulated, awards have been allocated, and there is but one final task. The Awards Ceremony. So, please join us Tuesday, June 16, at 7:00 pm for the BASEF 2020 Awards Ceremony, Tuesday, June 16th, at 7:00pm.
Live_Stream Links
Our 60th Annual Awards Show will be Live-Streamed Tuesday, June 16th, at 7:00pm. Tune in on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/TeamBASEF/live
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeamBASEF/live
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